Development of a battery-less
vibration notification system.

Vibration power generation from a cutting machine.
Instantly notifies the occurrence of tremor vibrations battery-free.
2020.02 - 2022.03
In machine tools, materials are processed using cutting, grinding, and other techniques to achieve the desired dimensional shape. The required level of processing quality is high, and sometimes quality issues arise. One phenomenon that can cause quality problems is chatter vibration. Chatter vibration has the potential to degrade the processing quality and result in tool damage, making it a challenge to avoid.
Kanazawa University, in collaboration with Komatsu NTC, is developing a wireless, battery-less abnormal vibration notification system using V-GENERATOR. Machine tools have a spindle, which provides rotational motion to the workpiece for cutting. We install a device (Type SS) on the spindle and use the generated power from the spindle’s vibration to pre-activate a BLE module and keep it in standby mode. When chatter vibration occurs during machining, another device generates power (detection) and transmits wireless signals using the standby BLE module. The machining equipment can then stop the processing based on this signal, preventing a deterioration in processing quality and tool damage.
As of March 2022, we have successfully activated the BLE module through power generation from approximately 10 minutes of rotational vibration, without machining the spindle. The wireless transmission is triggered 0.4 seconds after detecting the vibration. Photo 2 shows the screen when receiving the signal on a smartphone. While further testing and improvements are required, this system has the potential not only for detecting chatter vibration but also for monitoring the condition of machine tools. It contributes to achieving ‘zero processing troubles’ with V-GENERATOR.
写真1 機械にデバイスを取り付けている様子
Photo 1: Installation of the device on the machine
写真2 機械にデバイスを取付けた様子
Photo 2: Appearance of the device attached to the machine
動画1 動作時の様子
Video 1: Demonstration of the operation
グラフ1 待機時間のデバイスの電圧波形(開放電圧)
Graph 1: Voltage waveform of the device during standby time(Open-circuit voltage)
グラフ2 待機時の蓄電の様子と無線通信するタイミング(630秒頃)
Graph 2: Status of energy storage during standby and timing of wireless communication (around 630 seconds)
写真2 送信した信号をスマートフォンで受信した画面
Photo 2: Screen of the received signal on a smartphone